Tuesday, September 9, 2008

Articles on Seo

Writing Articles For SEO You know, the more I use Instant Article Wizard 2.0 the more I appreciate it as a general research tool.
The biggest problem I see with writing articles for SEO and just article marketing in general is simply doing the job.
I think we often get so caught up in trying to figure out how to optimize the article and what keywords to use and what to make bold and all that crazy SEO stuff that we forget that the main goal is to write original, informative text that people will want to read.
We’re always so intrigued by looking for shortcuts that we forget to get the job of writing articles done.
And that’s where Jonathan Leger’s Instant Article Wizard 2.0 comes in. It’s a RESEARCH tool for making the task of writing articles for SEO easier. It doesn’t automatically write articles for you, and it’s not one of those awful “article spinners” which I think is just a waste of time. Besides, those spinners are kind of a cheat, I think. Sort of like taking your classmate’s essay and just swapping paragraphs and sentences around. What kind of contribution to the search engine world is that?
Instant Article Wizard 2.0 is super easy to use and it will help you immensely for writing articles for SEO. I give it my highest recommendation!
instant article wizard 2.0, writing articles for seoinstant article wizard 2.0, writing articles for seo
When I first started at SEOmoz about 9 months ago, I was the web development intern. My experience prior to the internship was limited entirely to writing code. Since then, I have spent literally hundreds of hours expanding my knowledge into different areas. Specifically, I have focused on accepted SEO techniques and small business practices. My beginner SEO checklists of the last few weeks have been the tangible result of my newly acquired knowledge. In an effort to return to my roots, I spent the majority of the day compiling what I believe to be the mother of all technical SEO cheat sheets. The recommended viewing format of this cheat sheet is as a PDF rather than the traditional blog post (I found the blog posts inconvenient to print). Let me know if this new format works better for all of you. I also included snippets below so you can see what is on the cheat sheet before you download it. Enjoy!